Study Abroad

About Study Sawa

Study Sawa is an innovative department under the umbrella of Travel Sawa, which is a renowned Egyptian company focused on destination marketing and group travel tours.
It was created by Amr Badawy, a passionate Egyptian adventurer and nomad who has extensively traveled to over 60 countries worldwide.

Amr’s journey began with his love for travel writing and blogging eventually leading him to become a travel photographer and filmaker. His captivating videos have garnered millions of views, and his social media followers have surpassed half a million followers.

Recognizing the growing demand for study abroad programs, Study Sawa was established as a specialized sub-department within Travel Sawa. The primary objective of Study Sawa is to assist students from all corners of the globe in pursuing their educational aspirations abroad.


Empower Students

to explore global educational opportunities and unlock their full potential.
We envision a future where students have access to high quality international education, enabling them to acquire knowledge, skills, and experiences that will shape their personal and professional development. By fostering global mindset and facilitating educational mobility, we strive to contribute to the growth and advancement of youth.


Provide Support

support to students in their pursuit of studying abroad. Our company aims to be a trusted partner for students, offering expert guidance reliable information, and ongoing support throughout their study abroad journey. By offering accessible services and empowering students with knowledge and resources, we are committed to helping them overcome barriers and achieve their academic and career aspirations.

Budapest Metropolitan University METU

Budapest Metropolitan University (METU) is the biggest private higher education institution in Hungary, with two faculties and four major education fields: business communication, tourism, and art.
The university offers 20+ English speaking programs on preparatory, Bachelor’s and Master’s level. Students and graduates of Budapest.

Metropolitan University also have the opportunity to gain international experience at over 200 foreign partner institutions on 5 continents and can also finish their studies and gain a valuable UK degree at our partner institution, Northumbria University

Budapest International Collage BIC

Budapest International Collage is the official exclusive foundation collage and admission office for several Hungarian TECH universities. Budapest International College offer university
foundation programs for engineering, IT and business programs in Hungary.

BIC has an ever-growing list of partner universities, who are waiting for our students with open arms for their renowned Bachelor's and Master's programs

Study Programs

Business & Management Programs

Business Administration & Management BSc/BA

Commerce & Marketing BSc

Finance & Accounting BSc

Communication & Media Science BA/MA

International Business Economics BSc

International Relations BA/MA

Master of Business Administration MBA

Business Development MSc

Marketing MSc

Management & Leadership MSc

Regional & Environmental Economics MA

Engineering Programs BIC

Mechanical Engineering BSc/MSc

Mechatronics Engineering BSc/MSc

Vehicle Engineering BSc

Electrical Engineering BSc

Engineering Management BSc

Environmental Engineering BSc

Horticultural Engineering BSc

Land Surveying & Land Management Engineering BSc

Materials Engineering BSc

Industrial Product Design Engineering BSc

Architecture MSc

Teacher of Engineering MA

Applied Mathematics MSc

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